
Skeetawk is moving up the mountain, you don’t want to miss it! Come experience exclusive access to the Phase 1b area via Skeetawk’s cabin snowcat. Booking a cat skiing day pass gets you a seat on the cabin snowcat for a day of guided skiing/snowboarding in Skeetawk’s mid-mountain terrain. You can expect 4+ hours of riding capturing 6k-8k feet of vertical in a day with NO LIFT LINES. The cat can be booked by the seat or you can rent out the entire cat for a private rental for up to 9 guests. Age requirements: Ages 10 and up when accompanied by an adult, 14 and up unaccompanied with waiver signed by legal guardian.

A Cat-Ski Day Pass or Cat Rental includes:

8:45am – 4:00pm
6 hours of cat-skiing on the mid-mountain
6k-8k of combined vertical ride
Lunch break (BYOL)
Ride the mountain where the next lift will go!
Two freshly groomed, really long runs
Access to TONS of un-groomed terrain
No crowds, no lines!
Loads of fun!

Individual Day Pass
Non-Season Pass Holder
Individual Day Pass
Skeetawk Season Pass Holder

(pass checked on arrival)
Private Cat Rental
Up to 9 guests
• Saturday ONLY
contact to book
2024–2025 prices

For private Cat Rentals please contact

*No refunds or re-booking 72 hours prior to your reservation date for individual day passes.
*No refunds or re-booking 2 weeks prior to your reservation date for private rentals.

If you have specific questions, please email or call 907-746-PASS (7277)
